- Robust control solutions for multi-channel networked flows, NCN, currently realized research
project in the
OPUS program, Lodz University of Technology (January 2022 – January 2025), project leader.
- Application of artificial intelligence for optimization of truck transportation solutions, The National Centre of Research and Development, currently realized research
project in the
framework of Smart Growth Operational Programme in cooperation with Inelo company, Lodz University of Technology (April 2020 – December 2021), investigator.
- Optimal vs. robust algorithms of active resource management in networked systems – design and property analysis, Ministry
of Science and Higher Education, completed research
project in the
IUVENTUS PLUS IV program, Lodz University of Technology (February 2015 – February 2017), project leader.
- Design and validation of control algorithms in
networked dynamical systems,
no. DEC-2012/05/D/ST6/03030, National Science Center of Poland (NCN),
completed research project in the SONATA program, Lodz University of Technology
(February 2013 – February 2016), project
- Optimal sliding-mode control of dynamic systems,
Foundation for Polish Science (FNP), completed research
project in the MISTRZ program (laureate prof. A. Bartoszewicz), Lodz University of Technology (January 2013
– December 2015),
- Optimal sliding-mode control of
time-delay systems,
decision no. DEC-2011/01/B/ST7/02582,
NCN, National Science Centre of Poland (NCN), completed
research project in the OPUS program, Lodz University of Technology
2011 – December 2014), principal investigator.
- Application of
regulation theory methods to the control of logistic processes,
no. N N514 108638, Ministry of Science and
Higher Education
(MNiSzW), Lodz
University of Technology (March
2010 – March 2012), completed research project, principal investigator.
- Design of the
switching surfaces for the sliding mode control of dynamic plants,
no. N N514 300035, Ministry of Science and
Higher Education
(MNiSzW), Lodz
University of Technology
(September 2008 – September 2010), completed research
project, supporting
- Models and algorithms
of multi-path routing in computer networks with guaranteed QoS,
no. 3T11C 043
26, Ministry of Science and Higher Education (MNiSzW), Lodz University of Technology (April
2004 – April 2006), completed research project, supporting
- Control of selected
electromechanical systems with application of computer networks,
nr 3T10A 037
28, Ministry of Science and Higher Education (MNiSzW), Lodz University of Technology (April
2005 – October 2007), completed research project, supporting
- Construction and
control of closed kinematic chain manipulator with electric drives,
no. R01 009 03,
Ministry of Science and Higher Education (MNiSzW), Lodz University of Technology (October
2007 – September 2010), completed development project,
supporting investigator.
- Application of novel
methods of image noise reduction for next generation digital cameras, research project at Olympus
in Japan
(Hachioji, Tokyo,
July – September
2005), principal investigator.